外国经济与管理 2015 年 第 37 卷第 07 期, 页码:
[1]David W L. Limited liability,torts victims,and creditors[J]. Columbia Law Review,1991,91:1564-1568.
[2]Federico F. The legal framework of consumer credit bureaus and credit scoring in the European Union:Pitfalls and challenges—overindebtedness,responsible lending,market integration,and fundamental rights [J]. Suffolk University Law Review. 2013,3:21-22.
[3]Ian A and Jonathan R M. Institutional and evolutionary failure and economic development in the Middle East [J]. Yale Journal of International Law,2005,30:397-399.
[4]Lucian A B and Jesse M F. The uneasy case for the priority of secured claims in bankruptcy[J]. Yale Law Journal,1996,105:856-858.
[5]Michael R G. Disputing the dispute process:Questioning the fairness of §1681s-2(A)(8) and §1681 j(A)(1)(A) of the fair and accurate credit reporting act [J]. Califiornia Western Law Review,2011,3:28-34.
[6]Renier R K,et al. The anatomy of corporate law:A comparative and functional approach[M].Oxford University Press,2009.
[7]Robert B M. What does it mean for directors of financially troubled corporations to have fiduciary duties to creditors?[J].Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice,2000,9:201-206.
[8]陈甦. 公司设立者的出资违约责任与资本充实责任[J]. 法学研究,1995(6):47-48.
[9]程涛. 上海自贸试验区一年发展总理点赞,超36项制度可被推广[N]. 中国新闻网,2014-09-30.
[10]冯果. 论公司股东与发起人的出资责任[J]. 法学评论,1999(3):51-52.
[11]胡田野. 公司法的任意性规范与强制性规范[M]. 北京:法律出版社,2012.
[12]胡田野. 公司资本法律制度变革后的债权人保护路径[J].法律适用,2014(7):35-39.
[13]蒋柯,吴一兴. 德国公司形式的最新变革及其启示[J].法商研究,2011(1):146-147.
[15]沈静文,满朝旭.工商登记制度改革以来,全国新登记公司注册资本增长超过100%[N]. 中国广播网,2014-10-20.
[16]徐文杉等译. 特拉华州普通公司法[M].北京:中国法制出版社,2010.
[17]徐晓松. 论我国公司资本制度的缺陷与完善[J]. 中国法学,2000(3):100-104.
[18]徐晓松. 公司资本监管与中国公司治理[M]. 北京:知识产权出版社,2006.
[19]赵旭东. 从资本信用到资产信用[J]. 法学研究,2003(5):109-114.
[20]赵旭东等. 公司资本制度改革研究[M]. 北京:法律出版社,2004.
[21]赵旭东. 资本制度改革与公司法的司法适用[N]. 人民法院报,2014-02-26.
[22]左传卫. 最低注册资本制度存废分析[J]. 岳麓法学评论,2005(6):179-181.
[2]Federico F. The legal framework of consumer credit bureaus and credit scoring in the European Union:Pitfalls and challenges—overindebtedness,responsible lending,market integration,and fundamental rights [J]. Suffolk University Law Review. 2013,3:21-22.
[3]Ian A and Jonathan R M. Institutional and evolutionary failure and economic development in the Middle East [J]. Yale Journal of International Law,2005,30:397-399.
[4]Lucian A B and Jesse M F. The uneasy case for the priority of secured claims in bankruptcy[J]. Yale Law Journal,1996,105:856-858.
[5]Michael R G. Disputing the dispute process:Questioning the fairness of §1681s-2(A)(8) and §1681 j(A)(1)(A) of the fair and accurate credit reporting act [J]. Califiornia Western Law Review,2011,3:28-34.
[6]Renier R K,et al. The anatomy of corporate law:A comparative and functional approach[M].Oxford University Press,2009.
[7]Robert B M. What does it mean for directors of financially troubled corporations to have fiduciary duties to creditors?[J].Journal of Bankruptcy Law and Practice,2000,9:201-206.
[8]陈甦. 公司设立者的出资违约责任与资本充实责任[J]. 法学研究,1995(6):47-48.
[9]程涛. 上海自贸试验区一年发展总理点赞,超36项制度可被推广[N]. 中国新闻网,2014-09-30.
[10]冯果. 论公司股东与发起人的出资责任[J]. 法学评论,1999(3):51-52.
[11]胡田野. 公司法的任意性规范与强制性规范[M]. 北京:法律出版社,2012.
[12]胡田野. 公司资本法律制度变革后的债权人保护路径[J].法律适用,2014(7):35-39.
[13]蒋柯,吴一兴. 德国公司形式的最新变革及其启示[J].法商研究,2011(1):146-147.
[15]沈静文,满朝旭.工商登记制度改革以来,全国新登记公司注册资本增长超过100%[N]. 中国广播网,2014-10-20.
[16]徐文杉等译. 特拉华州普通公司法[M].北京:中国法制出版社,2010.
[17]徐晓松. 论我国公司资本制度的缺陷与完善[J]. 中国法学,2000(3):100-104.
[18]徐晓松. 公司资本监管与中国公司治理[M]. 北京:知识产权出版社,2006.
[19]赵旭东. 从资本信用到资产信用[J]. 法学研究,2003(5):109-114.
[20]赵旭东等. 公司资本制度改革研究[M]. 北京:法律出版社,2004.
[21]赵旭东. 资本制度改革与公司法的司法适用[N]. 人民法院报,2014-02-26.
[22]左传卫. 最低注册资本制度存废分析[J]. 岳麓法学评论,2005(6):179-181.
李金昌. 上海自贸试验区公司股东出资义务履行的困境及对策[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2015, 37(7): 0.