In the increasingly fierce competition market, the main body of the competition gradually changed from the enterprise to the supply chain. At the same time, the opinion that the capability based on the supply chain perspective becomes the main source of enterprise competitive advantages has reached a consensus. However, so far, the capability research system based on the supply chain perspective is chaotic. The concept is not clear, and its dimension division is not unified, which lead to the inability of scholars to talk on the same platform when discussing relevant issues. Therefore, this theory also lacks effective guidance for enterprises in building capability based on the supply chain perspective. Based on the analysis of existing literature, we divide the capability of supply chain perspective into four aspects: supply chain capability, supply chain management ability, supply chain dynamic capability and entrepreneurial supply chain capability. First, this paper introduces and analyzes the concept and dimension of the capability based on the supply chain perspective and their related empirical research. Second, from the four aspects of theoretical basis, concept and dimension, research contents and research methods, this article contrasts the similarities and differences among the supply chain capability, supply chain management capability, supply chain dynamic capability as well as entrepreneurial supply chain capability. Finally, this paper constructs the capability research framework based on the supply chain perspective, points out the limitations of existing research, and looks forward to future research. In view of the deficiencies of existing research, we think that future research can obtain from the following aspects: (1) build a more comprehensive capability concept system based on the supply chain perspective and develop the corresponding ability scale; (2) deeply explore the formation and improvement of the ability of different influencing factors on the supply chain perspective; (3) deeply explore the relationship between the capability based on the supply chain perspective and the performance; (4) systematically study the capability based on the supply chain perspective; (5) use more effective data and research methods to explore the capability based on the supply chain perspective. The theoretical value of this paper mainly consists of two aspects: First, it reviews the literature on the capability of the supply chain perspective in detail, clearly defines and compares the connotation and similarities of each concept, constructs a comprehensive research framework, and provides a complete and clear overview of the current research. Second, based on previous research, this paper innovatively puts forward two new constructs of entrepreneurial supply chain capability and entrepreneurial supply chain dynamic capability, which not only enriches the existing research system, but also facilitates the development of research on the supply chain related ability of new enterprises in the future. From the perspective of practice, the research of this paper can guide enterprises to build the capability based on the supply chain perspective from the aspects of supply chain integration, coordination, responsiveness, innovation and learning, and attach importance to the influence of supply chain communication system, market orientation, and other factors on the capability of supply chain perspective to help enterprises improve their performance level.

Foreign Economics & Management
LiZengquan, Editor-in-Chief
ZhengChunrong, Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief
YinHuifang HeXiaogang LiuJianguo, Vice Editor-in-Chief
Research on Capabilities Based on the Supply Chain Perspective: Review and Prospects
Foreign Economics & Management Vol. 40, Issue 07, pp. 59 - 72 (2018) DOI:10.16538/j.cnki.fem.2018.07.005
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Cite this article
Zheng Xiulian, Ma Hongjia, Wu Juan. Research on Capabilities Based on the Supply Chain Perspective: Review and Prospects[J]. Foreign Economics & Management, 2018, 40(7): 59-72.
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