Digital entrepreneurial ecosystem has emerged as the new organization for entrepreneurship in the digital era. It has changed the situation of insufficient resources of traditional organizations and abandoned the relatively stable competitive thinking to build dynamic and cross-border competition. The digital entrepreneurial ecosystem could be called the “aircraft carrier” in the digital era, which is a more flexible and efficient organizational form, driving the “quality, efficiency and power” digital transformation. However, from the theoretical perspective, the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem is one of the emerging research hot topics in recent years, with a relatively short development history and problems of scattered research results, unclear research hotspots and development directions. In view of this, the paper composes the existing literature through a combination of quantitative and qualitative reviews. Firstly, by identifying the concept of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, we systematically collect literature in core journals at home and abroad. Secondly, we use the CiteSpace to conduct reference co-citation and keyword co-occurrence analysis to depict the knowledge map of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem. Then, we focus on the six hot research themes of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, including the impact of digital technology on the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, the interaction between digital innovation and digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, the interaction between digital entrepreneurship and digital entrepreneurial ecosystem, the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem multi-agent network, digital entrepreneurial ecosystem governance and digital entrepreneurial ecosystem output. Finally, based on the above analysis, we construct an integrated sphere model of the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem and propose future research topics. Our paper advances the research on the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem in the following three aspects. Firstly, it presents the overall overview of existing research based on the bibliometric approach. Secondly, it integrates the previous related research and establishes the circle analysis framework of existing research. Thirdly, it summarizes the shortcomings of existing research based on the literature review and proposes the future directions that can be further promoted in the future.

Foreign Economics & Management
LiZengquan, Editor-in-Chief
ZhengChunrong, Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief
YinHuifang HeXiaogang LiuJianguo, Vice Editor-in-Chief
A Review and Prospects of Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Foreign Economics & Management Vol. 44, Issue 05, pp. 48 - 63 (2022) DOI:10.16538/j.cnki.fem.20211222.102
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Zhu Xiumei, Yang Shan. A Review and Prospects of Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem[J]. Foreign Economics & Management, 2022, 44(5): 48-63.
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