Based on the theory of resource bricolage, following the logic framework of " situation—process—result”, a longitudinal single case study of SL(Group)CO., LTD. is designed to systematically induce and analyze the growth process of international entrepreneurship and the influence mechanism based on the characteristics of family firms. The study focuses on the environment, logic and mode of resource bricolage and the entrepreneurial growth of family firms, and takes the three experiences of SL’s international entrepreneurship in the process of internationalization as relatively independent but interrelated research units to construct the theoretical model of international entrepreneurial growth of family firms. The study finds that: Firstly, the resource bricolage environment and the resource endowment of family firms in the context of international entrepreneurship experience a dynamic changing process. The environmental gap between domestic and foreign countries will attract entrepreneurs to start international entrepreneurial activities, and the development of domestic industries will narrow the environmental gap, thus reducing the attraction. Meanwhile, the resource endowment of family entrepreneurs gradually increases, thus the willingness of international entrepreneurship always remain at a high level. The dominant logic of resource bricolage in international entrepreneurship follows the direction of " learning-oriented, efficiency-oriented and strategy-oriented”, forming a continuous selective bricolage. Secondly, the identification, grasp and development of international entrepreneurial opportunities, and the selection, introduction and integration of resources are an organic whole and interwoven process. In the stage of opportunity identification, entrepreneurs go through the selection process from experience-based to network-based to strategy-based. In the process of seizing the opportunity, staged bricolage strategies by means of mode innovation in joint venture, cooperation innovation in two generations and integration innovation in industrial chains should be formed to introduce resources. In the stage of opportunity development, entrepreneurs gradually upgrade the combination of resources from " utilization – development – integration”, among which the integration of hidden resources generates more sustainable resource value. Thirdly, the characteristics of family firms have an important impact on international entrepreneurship in terms of entrepreneurial subjects, bricolage continuity and selectivity, which promote resource bricolage in favor of realizing family vision, controlling intentions and integrating familiness, helping to form a new orderly state and achieve growth in the process of international entrepreneurship. This study elaborates and expands the application situation, orientation and process of resource bricolage. Specifically, based on the dynamic process of different bricolage types in regional space exploration, this paper focuses on the mutual transformation, supplement and substitution between entrepreneurial behavior and bricolage; by embedding the theory of resource bricolage into the research field of family firms, the influence mechanism of the characteristics of family firms on the process of resource bricolage and the mechanism of the role of resource bricolage in promoting the growth of international entrepreneurship of family firms are clarified. The conclusions of this study provid inspiration and reference for family firms who implement international entrepreneurship while facing complex and diverse international environment and resource scarcity.

Foreign Economics & Management
LiZengquan, Editor-in-Chief
ZhengChunrong, Vice Executive Editor-in-Chief
YinHuifang HeXiaogang LiuJianguo, Vice Editor-in-Chief
Research on the Growing Process of International Entrepreneurship in Family Firms: A Longitudinal Case Study Based on Resource Bricolage
Foreign Economics & Management Vol. 41, Issue 06, pp. 105 - 125 (2019) DOI:10.16538/j.cnki.fem.2019.06.008
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Cite this article
Wang Yangmei, Wu Qi, Luo Jingtao. Research on the Growing Process of International Entrepreneurship in Family Firms: A Longitudinal Case Study Based on Resource Bricolage[J]. Foreign Economics & Management, 2019, 41(6): 105-125.
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