外国经济与管理 2013 年 第 35 卷第 02 期, 页码:2 - 11
[1]Amit R and Schoemaker P J H.Strategic assets and organiza-tional rent[J].Strategic Management Journal,1993,14(1):33-46.
[2]Argyris C and Schon D.Organizational learning:A theory of action perspective[M].Reading,MA:Addison Wesley,1978:89-121.
[3]Barney J.Strategic factor markets:Expectations,luck,and business strategy[J].Management Science,1986,32(10):1231-1241.
[4]Cassiman B and Veugelers R.In search of complementarity in the innovation strategy:Internal R&D and external knowledge acquisition[J].Management Science,2006,52(1):68-82.
[5]Chan D.Functional relations among constructs in the same content domain at different levels of analysis:A typology of composition models[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1998,83(2):234-246.
[6]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Innovation and learning:The two faces of R&D[J].Economic Journal,1989,99(3):569-596.
[7]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity:A new perspective on learning and innovation[J].Administrative Sci-ence Quarterly,1990,35(1):128-152.
[8]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Fortune favors the prepared firm[J].Management Science,1994,40(2):227-251.
[9]Cronbach L J and Meehl P.Construct validity in psychological tests[J].Psychological Bulletin1955,52(4):281-302.
[10]Daghfous A.Absorptive capacity and the implementation of knowledge-intensive best practices[J].SAM Advanced Mana-gement Journal,2004,69(2):21-27.
[11]Dyer J H and Singh H.The relational view:Cooperative strategy and sources of inter-organizational competitive ad-vantage[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):660-679.
[12]Eisenhardt K M and Martin J A.Dynamic capabilities:What are they?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(S.I.)(10/11):1105-1121.
[13]Fiol C M and Lyles M A.Organizational learning[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1985,4(4):803-813.
[14]Hambleton R K and Patsula L.Adapting tests for use in mul-tiple languages and culture[J].Social Indicators Research,1998,45(1/3):153-171.
[15]Jansen J P,et al.Managing potential and realized absorptive capacity:How do organizational antecedents matter?[J].A-cademy Of Management Journal,2005,48(6):999-1015.
[16]Kim L.Crisis construction and organizational learning:Capa-bility building in catching-up at Hyundai Motor[J].Organi-zation Science,1998,9(4):506-521.
[17]Klein K J,et al.Level issues in theory development,data col-lection,and analysis[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,19(2):195-229.
[18]Kogut B and Zander U.Knowledge of the firm,combinative capabilities,and the replication of technology[J].Organiza-tion Science,1992,3(3):383-397.
[19]Lane P J and Lubatkin M.Relative absorptive capacity and interorganizational learning[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,1998,19(5):461-477.
[20]Lane P J,et al.Absorptive capacity,learning and perfor-mance in international joint ventures[J].Strategic Manage-ment Journal,2001,22(12):1139-1161.
[21]Lane P,et al.The reification of absorptive capacity:A criticalreview and rejuvenation of the construct[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(4):833-863.
[22]Lewin A Y,et al..Microfoundations of internal and external absorptive capacity routines[J].Organization science,2011,22(1):84-85.
[23]Lichtenthaler U.Absorptive capacity,environmental turbu-lence,and the complementarity of organizational learning processes[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(4):822-846.
[24]Ma del Carmen Haro-Domīnguez,et al.The impact of ab-sorptive capacity on technological acquisitions engineering consulting companies[J].Technovation,2007,27(8):417-425.
[25]Meeus M T H,et al.Patterns of interactive learning in a high-tech region[J].Organization Studies,2001,22(1):145-172.
[26]Mowery D C,et al.Strategic alliances and interfirm know-ledge transfer[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(Win.S.I.):77-91.
[27]Nonaka I.A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge cre-ation[J].Organization Science,1994,5(1):14-37.
[28]Osigweh C A B.Concept fallibility in organizational science[J].Academy of Management Review,1989,14(4):579-594.
[29]Pdehazur E J and Schmelkin L P.Measurement,design,and analysis:An integrated approach[M].Hillsdale,NJ:Law-rence Erlbaum Associates,1991:32.
[30]Penrose E T.The theory of growth of the firm[M].New York,NY:Wiley,1959:21.
[31]Peteraf M.The cornerstones of competitive advantage:A re-source-based view[J].Strategic Management Journal,1993,14(3):179-191.
[32]Schulze W S.The two schools of thought in resource-based theory:Definitions and implications for research[J].Ad-vances in Strategic Management,1994,10(1):127-152.
[33]Szulanski G.Exploring internal stickiness:Impediments to the transfer of best practice within the firm[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(1):27-43.
[34]Teece D,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-533.
[35]Tsai,W P.Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational net-works:Effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):996-1004.
[36]Van den Bosch F A J,et al.Coevolution of firm absorptive capacity and knowledge environment:Organizational forms and combinative capabilities[J].Organization Science,1999,10(5):551-568.
[37]Whetten D A.What constitutes a theoretical contribution?[J].Academy of Management Review,1989,14(4):490-495.
[38]Zahra S A and George G.Absorptive capacity:A review,re-conceptualization,and extension[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,2002,27(2):185-203.
[1]Amit R and Schoemaker P J H.Strategic assets and organiza-tional rent[J].Strategic Management Journal,1993,14(1):33-46.
[2]Argyris C and Schon D.Organizational learning:A theory of action perspective[M].Reading,MA:Addison Wesley,1978:89-121.
[3]Barney J.Strategic factor markets:Expectations,luck,and business strategy[J].Management Science,1986,32(10):1231-1241.
[4]Cassiman B and Veugelers R.In search of complementarity in the innovation strategy:Internal R&D and external knowledge acquisition[J].Management Science,2006,52(1):68-82.
[5]Chan D.Functional relations among constructs in the same content domain at different levels of analysis:A typology of composition models[J].Journal of Applied Psychology,1998,83(2):234-246.
[6]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Innovation and learning:The two faces of R&D[J].Economic Journal,1989,99(3):569-596.
[7]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity:A new perspective on learning and innovation[J].Administrative Sci-ence Quarterly,1990,35(1):128-152.
[8]Cohen W M and Levinthal D A.Fortune favors the prepared firm[J].Management Science,1994,40(2):227-251.
[9]Cronbach L J and Meehl P.Construct validity in psychological tests[J].Psychological Bulletin1955,52(4):281-302.
[10]Daghfous A.Absorptive capacity and the implementation of knowledge-intensive best practices[J].SAM Advanced Mana-gement Journal,2004,69(2):21-27.
[11]Dyer J H and Singh H.The relational view:Cooperative strategy and sources of inter-organizational competitive ad-vantage[J].Academy of Management Review,1998,23(4):660-679.
[12]Eisenhardt K M and Martin J A.Dynamic capabilities:What are they?[J].Strategic Management Journal,2000,21(S.I.)(10/11):1105-1121.
[13]Fiol C M and Lyles M A.Organizational learning[J].Acade-my of Management Review,1985,4(4):803-813.
[14]Hambleton R K and Patsula L.Adapting tests for use in mul-tiple languages and culture[J].Social Indicators Research,1998,45(1/3):153-171.
[15]Jansen J P,et al.Managing potential and realized absorptive capacity:How do organizational antecedents matter?[J].A-cademy Of Management Journal,2005,48(6):999-1015.
[16]Kim L.Crisis construction and organizational learning:Capa-bility building in catching-up at Hyundai Motor[J].Organi-zation Science,1998,9(4):506-521.
[17]Klein K J,et al.Level issues in theory development,data col-lection,and analysis[J].Academy of Management Review,1994,19(2):195-229.
[18]Kogut B and Zander U.Knowledge of the firm,combinative capabilities,and the replication of technology[J].Organiza-tion Science,1992,3(3):383-397.
[19]Lane P J and Lubatkin M.Relative absorptive capacity and interorganizational learning[J].Strategic Management Jour-nal,1998,19(5):461-477.
[20]Lane P J,et al.Absorptive capacity,learning and perfor-mance in international joint ventures[J].Strategic Manage-ment Journal,2001,22(12):1139-1161.
[21]Lane P,et al.The reification of absorptive capacity:A criticalreview and rejuvenation of the construct[J].Academy of Management Review,2006,31(4):833-863.
[22]Lewin A Y,et al..Microfoundations of internal and external absorptive capacity routines[J].Organization science,2011,22(1):84-85.
[23]Lichtenthaler U.Absorptive capacity,environmental turbu-lence,and the complementarity of organizational learning processes[J].Academy of Management Journal,2009,52(4):822-846.
[24]Ma del Carmen Haro-Domīnguez,et al.The impact of ab-sorptive capacity on technological acquisitions engineering consulting companies[J].Technovation,2007,27(8):417-425.
[25]Meeus M T H,et al.Patterns of interactive learning in a high-tech region[J].Organization Studies,2001,22(1):145-172.
[26]Mowery D C,et al.Strategic alliances and interfirm know-ledge transfer[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(Win.S.I.):77-91.
[27]Nonaka I.A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge cre-ation[J].Organization Science,1994,5(1):14-37.
[28]Osigweh C A B.Concept fallibility in organizational science[J].Academy of Management Review,1989,14(4):579-594.
[29]Pdehazur E J and Schmelkin L P.Measurement,design,and analysis:An integrated approach[M].Hillsdale,NJ:Law-rence Erlbaum Associates,1991:32.
[30]Penrose E T.The theory of growth of the firm[M].New York,NY:Wiley,1959:21.
[31]Peteraf M.The cornerstones of competitive advantage:A re-source-based view[J].Strategic Management Journal,1993,14(3):179-191.
[32]Schulze W S.The two schools of thought in resource-based theory:Definitions and implications for research[J].Ad-vances in Strategic Management,1994,10(1):127-152.
[33]Szulanski G.Exploring internal stickiness:Impediments to the transfer of best practice within the firm[J].Strategic Management Journal,1996,17(1):27-43.
[34]Teece D,et al.Dynamic capabilities and strategic manage-ment[J].Strategic Management Journal,1997,18(7):509-533.
[35]Tsai,W P.Knowledge transfer in intraorganizational net-works:Effects of network position and absorptive capacity on business unit innovation and performance[J].Academy of Management Journal,2001,44(5):996-1004.
[36]Van den Bosch F A J,et al.Coevolution of firm absorptive capacity and knowledge environment:Organizational forms and combinative capabilities[J].Organization Science,1999,10(5):551-568.
[37]Whetten D A.What constitutes a theoretical contribution?[J].Academy of Management Review,1989,14(4):490-495.
[38]Zahra S A and George G.Absorptive capacity:A review,re-conceptualization,and extension[J].Academy of Manage-ment Review,2002,27(2):185-203.
王天力, 张秀娥. 吸收能力构念解析与理解误区解读[J]. 外国经济与管理, 2013, 35(2): 2–11.